Saturday, October 2, 2010

A update on a lot of things

It's been a while since I last made a blog entry, so here's a much needed update. Okay, so first things first, I have stopped production on my Mario card game. After making roughly 200 cards, I wanted to move on to something else for a while. I still would like to make more, however, so it is not completely canceled. in the meantime, I am working on a new mario card game, which will focus more on battling.
Wuhu Island Wiki now has over a 100 articles, and my brother Caleb has started to work on it.
For a link to our wiki, click here.
Also, the exspansion on our house is almost completely done. Caleb and I have already been living in our new room for a few weeks, and we like it a lot.
Allright, so I think thats all. I still plan on adding more of my artwork to the blog as well.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

We caught a snake!

Earlier this morning,while we were pulling weeds,we saw that there was a baby Garter snake hiding in under one of them.It then started to slither around on the ground,occasionally hiding in the tall weeds.We got a small container and managed to corral the snake into it.We then transferred the snake into a small aquarium.Mom says we can only keep it for a small amount of time,but it will be fun while it last.

Wuhu Island Wiki has over 70 articles!

Our wiki now has over 70 articles,and our neighbor Conner has now joined.We are also adding screenshots that we have taken,as well as official artwork.While it is somewhat difficult to take pictures,it is definitely worth it.We believe we will have over 200 articles with the existing games,and since two games at E3 had Wuhu Island,there should be plenty more to come.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

New Baby Sister!

The baby has arrived!We have a new baby sister!Hannah Grace McCall was born last night,and both Mom and her are doing well.She weighs 8 lbs 14 oz.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Wuhu Island Wiki!

My brothers and I have started a wiki!We had noticed there were no Wuhu Island Wikis on the Internet,so we decided to make one ourselves.The wiki will mainly be about Wuhu Island,but will also have articles about related subjects.

Heres a link to our site:

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

New Super Mario Bros. card back

This is the back of all the Mario Bros. cards I made for my game. Since it would be extremely hard to draw each back individually, I simply copied the original one I had done. As you can see, the back is drawn to look like a level from the game.

First card

This is one of the cards for my Mario card game. As you can see,it is hand drawn.While normally,each card has six stats,the picture doesn't show the last two. This picture is of a grand goomba, an enemie from New Super Mario Bros. Wii.

Work on the new addition to house

The new addition is coming along pretty well . They finished sheathing the roof yesterday,and today, the plumbers have arrived and are doing their job. They are installing the pipes for the bathroom,and putting in the shower .I'm rather excited about all this progress they've accomplished lately. I hope it gets finished in time before I get a new baby sister!

New card game!

I have recently been working on a Mario card game. It plays basically like war except you have 6 options instead of one. so far ,there are over 200 cards ,with more planned. I will try to post pictures of them as well as more of Wuhu Island. Speaking of Wuhu Island, it appears that it will appear in several games on the new 3ds.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

another picture

 wuhu island beachThis is a picture of Wuhu Island from the beach at ground level.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Picture Variant


Maka Wuhu EruptionI decided to have some fun with my picture. Once it was on the computer,dad showed me how to mess around with a picture. At first, I just scribbled around,just to try it out. Soon, the lighthouse had orange dots on it , which soon transformed into a blazing inferno! I then came up with the idea that Maka Wuhu ( the volcano) is erupting ! If you look closely you can see various things are cracking! Enjoy!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Second Picture

light house

This is the second picture I have posted. More to come! I Hope you enjoy.