Thursday, August 5, 2010

We caught a snake!

Earlier this morning,while we were pulling weeds,we saw that there was a baby Garter snake hiding in under one of them.It then started to slither around on the ground,occasionally hiding in the tall weeds.We got a small container and managed to corral the snake into it.We then transferred the snake into a small aquarium.Mom says we can only keep it for a small amount of time,but it will be fun while it last.

Wuhu Island Wiki has over 70 articles!

Our wiki now has over 70 articles,and our neighbor Conner has now joined.We are also adding screenshots that we have taken,as well as official artwork.While it is somewhat difficult to take pictures,it is definitely worth it.We believe we will have over 200 articles with the existing games,and since two games at E3 had Wuhu Island,there should be plenty more to come.